Enhancing access to safe drinking water and sustainable environment

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After months of struggling to access clean and safe water and to remove the waste scatter among the tents of the displaced, increasing their suffering, Elaf began providing integrated emergency services in the water and sanitation sector to end this suffering and to provide safe access to water for more than two thousand people in the Alewaa camps 1 and 2 and Ahbab Al-Rahman, which host more than two thousand beneficiaries living in extremely difficult living conditions.

Project activities:

  1. Water Supply:

1.1 Water Quality Testing: Conduct regular water quality tests to ensure compliance with health standards. And according to the WASH cluster recommendations

1.2 Water distribution: Drinking water is distributed via water tankers daily, ensuring that each individual receives 45 Liters of clean water regularly

  • Waste Disposal

2.1 Daily Waste Collection: Implement a systematic daily waste collection system to maintain cleanliness.

2.2 Transportation to Disposal Sites: Facilitate the regular transport of collected waste to designated disposal sites

  • Desludging Operations

3.1 Regular Desludging Schedule: Implement a routine schedule for desludging activities to prevent blockages and contamination

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